Credit:Banphote Kamolsanei

Angry Resting Face

In our society, there are socially acceptable “norms” for how the face should look during difficult conversations, at a funeral, or when working through a challenging math problem.  It makes sense that being uncomfortable would show in…

Anxiety About Anxiety Causes Anxiety

There was an 8 year old crying at after school pick up today.  She was almost hysterical, racing back and forth, saying she wanted to go home, and that she was afraid. I asked the counselor what was going on and it seemed the young girl had…
Credit:Margarita Balashova

Getting Fired Is A Universal Experience

In the spirit of laughing at the outrageous, and misery likes company, I thought I’d share the three most common stories of how people get fired in this day of Fear Based Management and one totally new approach that will make you fall off…

Not Taking it Personally Part Deux

A few months ago I wrote about Not Taking it Personally (NTiP*) and snarky emails.  Today let's talk about another aspect of NTiP. Sideways glances.  Yawns.  Grimaces.  People do these things in meetings.  Probably in meetings you’re…

The Power To Make Someone Happy

"If you have the power to make someone happy, do it." It’s a hokey, new-agey, nauseatingly kumbaya directive that's all over facebook and it both annoys and excites me.  It annoys me because I can’t make someone happy; they have to do…

Work Life Harmony

I find the word Balance to be icky when deposited in the phrase Work Life Balance.  Balance is pressure to not fall (or fail) and a constant, exhausting vigilance.  There’s nothing fun about it.  In this phrase it implies bringing two completely…
Credit:Bulat Silvia

Quiet Confidence Wins

Chances are you’ve had a manager who sits on the far left or right on the Confidence Scale.  I’ll explain. On the far left is the Mousey Cautious Meek Tentative Timid Uncertain manager.  She’s exhausting because she’s so busy trying…
Credit:Tero Vesalainen

When Trust Is Betrayed

[Note: There are scenarios where we are at fault for something traumatic happening.  But there are times when we are not responsible, and this is what I want to focus on today.] We live in a culture of holding ourselves accountable and that’s…
Credit:Tero Vesalainen

Turn A Personal Attack Into A Statement Of Fact

You’re not in charge of facilities, but your boss screams at you about the lack of toilet paper in the bathroom. You reply: “I’m not in charge of that!  Don't yell at me!” “I didn't know.  I’m sorry, I didn't realize. …
Credit:Tero Vesalainen

Post Traumatic Job Disorder

The name will make you giggle and giggling is good.  But the affliction is real and many suffer from it. Fear-based management is prevalent.  Think about your work environments over the years.  How many times have you felt beaten down,…